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About Me

Karen Wunderman spent her childhood in a suburb of New York and her adolescence in Manhattan. After receiving a B.A. in history from Alfred University, she attended Teachers College, Columbia University, where she wrapped up her education with an M.A. in Philosophy of Education and an M.Ed. in Curriculum & Teaching. She held a few unusual teaching jobs and then decided to mix her academic expertise with her love of writing by pursuing a career in educational publishing. She is the author and contributing author of many textbooks and other educational materials. When not writing for love or for money, she spends her time tending her gardens in Cranbury, New Jersey, where she lives with her husband, two children, and an assortment of four-legged creatures. She is an ardent photo hobbyist; one of her photographs appears on the cover of her novel Winterkill. While New Jersey is her home, her heart resides in New Hampshire, where she still maintains the house in the White Mountains she spent so much treasured time in as a child. She is currently at work on her second novel.